
Mining cobalt from waste: Capturing lost value in a responsible cobalt value chain
Did you know over 34,000 tonnes of cobalt ended up in e-waste globally in 2022?
That is equivalent to a sixth of the global supply of primary mined cobalt in 2022 or, if you like, more than one-an...

Whatever your views on the President-elect; status quo he is not
Trade is about to become less free. Frustrated with trade imbalances, Trump will get more people buying American by dealmaking or by force. Tariffs may not be as vast as he threatens – Trump-supporting Americans may not like the inflationary effects – but come they will, especially if you’re China.

United Nations-Convened Guiding Principles to Guide Global Energy Transition: What does this mean for the Cobalt Industry?
The UN's new Guiding Principles for the global energy transition impact the cobalt industry, emphasizing responsible sourcing, human rights, and environmental sustainability. Discover key insights from the UN Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals and the future of cobalt in renewable technologies.

The European Critical Raw Materials Act: what does it mean for the cobalt industry?
The Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) is the EU’s flagship legislation on critical raw materials (CRMs). The purpose of the act is to secure the EU’s supply of CRMs by improving supply chain resil...

Sustainability Standards and Assurance Schemes Position Paper
Cobalt Institute launched a dialogue on Sustainability Standards and Assurance Schemes (‘Standards’) across the cobalt value chain: industry (upstream, midstream and downstream companies), government, civil society, and standard-setting bodies. In total, we engaged with over 70 stakeholders through bilateral interviews and four roundtables convened in Paris, Washington, D.C., London and virtually.

Cobalt Institute Manifesto: Cobalt can boost EU’s competitiveness, strategic support and cutting red tape is key
Cobalt Institute has released a manifesto outlining concrete actions for the EU achieving competitiveness through strategic support and unleashing the potential of the cobalt industry.