
Blockchain technology to improve the transparency of the cobalt supply chain

Blockchain technology to improve the transparency of the cobalt supply chain

The Cobalt Institute's members CMOC, Eurasian Resources Group (ERG), Glencore and Umicore are piloting ReISource, a solution to trace responsibly produced cobalt from the mine to the electric car. T...
20 May 2021 Read more
Cobalt Conference speakers commit to responsible and sustainable mining on land and sea

Cobalt Conference speakers commit to responsible and sustainable mining on land and sea

19 May 2021. The Cobalt Conference has become a platform for the high-level state officials and industry executives from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to demonstrate the country’s effo...
19 May 2021 Read more
Cobalt Institute publishes State of the Cobalt Market Report 2020

Cobalt Institute publishes State of the Cobalt Market Report 2020

18 May 2021. Today sees the publication of the Cobalt Institute’s “State of the Cobalt Market 2020 Report”. The Cobalt Institute commissioned Roskill – a leader in critical materials supply c...
18 May 2021 Read more
CMOC joins initiative to help small-scale cobalt miners

CMOC joins initiative to help small-scale cobalt miners

Cobalt Institute’s member China Moly (CMOC) and its Swiss-based trading arm, IXM, have joined the ‘Better Mining’ initiative that seeks to help artisanal and small-scale miners (ASM) become a re...
22 April 2021 Read more
Umicore’s sustainable cobalt procurement externally validated for the 6th year in a row

Umicore’s sustainable cobalt procurement externally validated for the 6th year in a row

Umicore obtained, for the sixth year in a row, third-party assurance from PwC that its cobalt purchases are carried out in line with the conditions set out in its Sustainable Procurement Framework fo...
08 April 2021 Read more
New Data Obtained on the Toxicity of Cobalt to the Marine Environment

New Data Obtained on the Toxicity of Cobalt to the Marine Environment

Guildford, 26 March 2021. The Cobalt Institute supported a programme of scientific studies on “Chronic Toxicity of Cobalt to Marine Organisms”, published in the Environmental Toxicology and Chem...
26 March 2021 Read more
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